Tuesday, May 7, 2024

There Is No Other Way

There have been many great leaders throughout history. Some have brought peace, some war, and some both. But even if it comes, the peace never lasts. 

No matter what we might do on our own, we cannot claim this peace forever. 

Because we are natural. 

We are given to serving ourselves, to being seduced by the things we can see, to pride, to vanity.

I know some people profit from war and violence,  but I think most of us want peace.

We just can't quite get there. It doesn't matter what politician or tyrant that may come along, or philosophy or policy. Us natural beings will not be able to do it. There will always be contention, there will always be fighting. We will find reasons to lift up our arms in violence. We will hate. 

Yet, 2000 years ago there came a man, who taught us to turn away from things that were vain and prideful. He taught that we needed to love our enemies, and do good to people who treat us badly. He wanted us to be like our spiritual, Heavenly Father.

He spoke about when there are vain and prideful things in our eyes, when we keep a bad treasure in our hearts, that it is great darkness.  He said when we remove the thing that is in our own eyes, we would then have clearer vision to love and help others.

He taught us to follow Him. He wanted us to become meek like Him. He wanted us to have divine love in our hearts, and that would bring peace, it would bring joy. 

The divine love He offers is full of patience, kindness, truth, endurance, and selflessness. It carries no pride, no vanity. And here is the best thing, this love, it doesn't fail. It is the most powerful influence in all the universe.

He wanted us to see each other. He wanted us to lose our prideful, vain, natural ways, and become spiritual.

Can you see, there is no other way? Unless we learn to see each other, and strive to love those we have before hated, we cannot and will not have peace. We have to become different people,  people who are like Him, the Lord, Jesus Christ. People equipt with humble, meek hearts, and the blazing glory of the love of God, that incredible power.

He is the light and hope of the world. 

There is no other way. 

2000 years ago He came. In 1820, He came again. 

Watch the "Fear of the Lord" videos for more information.

The Autism Compilation